Paul spella. As the chair of the department of obstetrics and gynecology at UT Southwestern Medical Center, Catherine Spong is. Paul spella

 As the chair of the department of obstetrics and gynecology at UT Southwestern Medical Center, Catherine Spong isPaul spella  Earth is flat, and airplane GPS is rigged to fool pilots into thinking otherwise

Symptoms of nasal congestion include runny nose, itchy nose, sneezing, and loss of smell. Hillary Rodham Clinton argues that a radicalized Republican Party has played right into. Every few weeks, he plays with friends in Boston. September 2020 Issue. Paul Spella / The Atlantic; Getty. January 9, 2023. Share. Cipinang prison stands like a huge fortress in East Jakarta, its massive walls and guard towers separating the city’s. The college essay is dead. NBC News and MSNBC Digital: Chelsea Stahl, Associate Art Director. Paul Spella / The Atlantic; Getty. texting. Material-cost inflation, anti-building rules, NIMBY attitudes, and barriers to innovation have created a housing-affordability crisis. November 1, 2022. Saved Stories Save. August 25, 2021. Paul Spella / The Atlantic; Getty The Rotten Core of Our Political System In their new account of the 2020 election, two New York Times reporters reveal just how broken American democracy has become. By Faith Hill. June 11, 2023. November 13, 2020. T he first thing you noticed, if you had lived in the city for any length of time, was how silent it went. Anti-racist teachers take black students seriously. Once upon a time, presidential impeachment was a rare event. 5. Here’s just a sample of group chats that have been messaging me recently: college friends, housemates, camp friends. Saved Stories Save. Paul Spella / The Atlantic; Getty. There's an issue and the page could not be loaded. Paul Spella / The Atlantic; Getty. August 11, 2021. After the barbaric attack launched. Saved Stories Save. By Virginia Sole-Smith. LYNCHBURG, Va. By James Surowiecki. President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address earlier this month featured a hefty dose of good old-fashioned economic populism. The world is getting. This. Vance, Rand Paul, Mike Lee. Saved Stories Save. Vance, Rand Paul, Mike Lee. The #ActualWorst Final: Ramsay Bolton vs. In addition to going on expensive vacations with wealthy right-wing donors who have interests before the Supreme. Suppose you are a professor of pedagogy, and you assign an essay on learning styles. Share. A professor of law, a former deputy chief of police, and a criminology professor offer their blueprint for how to actually fix America’s police. Illustration: Paul Spella; Apple TV+. Photograph by Paul. So much of what has characterized the recent. For at least two years, an open secret lurked in the the metadata behind President Donald Trump’s personal Twitter account. By Elizabeth Spires. June 27, 2019. Some people believe the most extraordinary things. Share. Don’t Execute People in Public. Russell Contreras / AP / Bettmann / Getty / NYPL / Paul Spella / The Atlantic. always to side one way. In the end, the NBA bubble held. Share. ET on November 7, 2022. AD - Paul Spella. S. Nike. Americans reputedly have short attention spans. Chemirmir, who was suspected of killing two dozen older women in. Shutterstock / Paul Spella / The Atlantic. Paul Spella / The Atlantic; Getty. February 27, 2023. Vance, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, and Tommy Tuberville among them) and the grotesque caucus-within-a-caucus of some of the most unhinged and weirdest members of the. Saved Stories Save. One of the challenges of profiling dream hampton, the cultural critic who has cut a winding trail. This article was published online on March 10, 2021. Saved Stories Save. Getty; Paul Spella / The Atlantic. As the battle for Kyiv rages, we turn to Washington, D. Shutterstock / Paul Spella / The Atlantic. Saved Stories Save. ET on February 7, 2023. Saved Stories. That dynamic’s been entrenched for six, seven years now. Leemage / Getty. Share. Paul Spella / The Atlantic. Bettmann; Kevin C. Whatever else it is, Twitter is a place where the average person can subject others to their. Not understanding how benefits grow. When DC’s Democratic voters went to the polls to pick a mayoral nominee in April, the most influential name in the race didn’t belong to Muriel Bowser, the woman who won, or to Vincent Gray, the incumbent she beat. Saved Stories Save. NASA; Paul Spella / The Atlantic. Illustration by Paul Spella / The Atlantic. ET on October 10, 2023. Share. White,. Try a “high-low” conversation. Mitch McConnell isn’t known for his joyousness, but the dour Senate Republican leader was able to find delight even in the. Mike De Socio is an independent journalist based in upstate New York, telling stories about cities, climate change, and the LGBTQ+ community. October 1, 2023. April 16, 2020. The Atlantic: Paul Spella, Art Director. Saved Stories Save “A moral failing and a national shame. It was May 2019, and the event was just a few weeks away. Humans struggle to process this kind of risk, Tess Wilkinson-Ryan, a psychology professor, points out. Jordan Peele. Tentacles. Shutterstock / Paul Spella / The Atlantic. We browsed and as usual that one I hadn’t read. July 30, 2019. (Paul Spella / The Atlantic; Getty) The New History Wars. 3. Paul Spella / The Atlantic. This was an astonishment to all our relatives. Hillary Rodham Clinton argues that a radicalized Republican Party has played right into. OPINION. The most social social media these days is. still holds by just about every measure, even after China’s four decades of hypersonic economic growth. When the world is at war, and you’ve endured night after night of fires and bombs going off all around you, how do. Presidents Aren't CEOs. Editor’s note: On September 19, 2023, Texas officials announced that convicted murderer Billy Chemirmir, 50, had been found dead in his cell at a Texas prison. In a representative democracy, the will of the people always counts. Paul Spella: In the early stages, I had the idea to use classic imagery that revolves around an aristocracy, and then just embed it in your normal, white, middle-class family. Illustrations by Paul Spella. Earth is flat, and airplane GPS is rigged to fool pilots into thinking otherwise. Last spring, Jared Kushner predicted that the coronavirus pandemic would soon end and that the United States would be. T he hallmark of all the superlative TV comedies of the past few years has been what happens in the moments when they’re not funny at all. December 16, 2022. Touching, though, is sweet. Have you ever known anyone swindled by a scam? It’s remarkable how determined they remain to defend the swindler, and for how. C. Illustrations by Paul Spella. Paul Spella / The Atlantic. Saved Stories Save. I don’t connect the bangle. Share. May 19, 2020. Listen to this article. A full blackout at a nuclear plant is a scenario that haunts scientists’ dreams. S. For the first couple of years of the coronavirus pandemic, the crisis was marked by a succession of variants that. Saved Stories Save. Author. Paul. March 28, 2023. This poem appears in the October 2021 print edition. Humanity’s existential crisis is straightforward. By Katherine J. There’s been a lot of chatter, in recent days, about the fate of a. Share. Paul Spella / The Atlantic. May 21, 2020. By David Frum. Nike "Basketbaltar" ad campaign. “America’s half-hearted reopening is a psychological. Pixar / Disney / Paul Spella / The Atlantic Coco , the winner for Best Animated Feature, was the expected victor for the night—a hugely acclaimed Pixar production that was a worldwide box-office. Photo-illustration by Paul Spella / The Atlantic. Illustration by Paul Spella / The Atlantic; Sources: Wikimedia; Getty. The unemployment rate, after reaching 10 percent during the Great Recession and spiking to a high of 14. Faith Hill; September 28, 2023. In the much-memed rap-rock track that turned 10 years old this month, the makeup-caked tough guys Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope wonder. a cowbell in the cove beyond, a tinkle sweetening the air. They create a curriculum with black students in mind, and they carefully read students’ work to understand what they are expressing. Paul Spella / The Atlantic; Getty The New Stalin Era For the great-granddaughter of Nikita Khrushchev, the Kremlin today is taking the country back to the authoritarian nightmare of the past. Here’s just a sample of group chats that have been messaging me recently: college friends, housemates, camp friends. Who Made the Oxford English Dictionary? A new book gives life to one of the world’s greatest crowdsourcing efforts. Share. This article was updated at 6:15 p. Illustration by Paul Spella / The Atlantic. Faith Hill; September 28, 2023. People vote for reasons that may be quite contingent, even. The governor championed rules that bar frank discussions of racist violence—like the one he offered in the aftermath of a mass shooting—in the state’s schools. Saved Stories Save. Saved Stories. Saved Stories Save. The total output of the U. The heroes of Judd Apatow’s movies always have some growing up to do. May 17, 2023. Paul Spella / The Atlantic; Getty. Red plums of summer, first green figs, so many ears of corn. February 8, 2023. In fact, IGs. Produced by ElevenLabs and NOA, News Over Audio, using AI narration. Paul Spella Ideas How to Want Less The secret to satisfaction has nothing to do with achievement, money, or stuff. If progressives think they’ve found a good stick to beat corporate America with, they’re wrong. m. November 26, 2021. A Season 6 story line about prison guards competing in a game called “Fantasy Inmate”—winning points for fights, overdoses, and suicide attempts that happened under their watch—seemed to. The first was to call or write your representatives in Congress and urge the government to keep. Saved Stories Save. Join us today, starting at less than $1 a week. to the late Paul Penik and Mary Spela. Known as “Object S. Former Vice President Joe Biden called President Donald Trump a tool of Wall Street who has “ripped” out the nation’s. June 22, 2016. Suppose you are a professor of pedagogy, and you assign an essay on learning styles. The U. J. LOVEgraphic / Alhovik / Shutterstock / Paul Spella / The Atlantic The metaphor for this phase of the iPhone’s life has long eluded me. However, before the apology was issued, art director Paul Spella reportedly defended the photo to Brewer saying the photo was supposed to reflect “the abstract idea of parents navigating their. Paul Spella / The Atlantic; Getty. A new book tells the story of our past from the perspective of the bugs that have shaped it. For 50 years, the award-winning city magazine for the Washington area has been a home for groundbreaking feature writing, essential service journalism. S. Saved Stories. Newkirk II and executive produced by Katherine Wells, reported on. On the meaning and implications of the country’s first true businessman president. By Peter Wehner. m. Share. December 21, 2016. Plus: who—or what—is responsible for funding K-12 schools, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s war on intellect, and moreshutterstock / paul spella / the atlantic Perhaps no other American city has drawn as much attention—and scrutiny—during this pandemic as New York, the site of a devastating coronavirus wave. ABC / NBC / Paul Spella / The Atlantic. (Illustration: Paul Spella; Michael Heiman / Getty) President Donald Trump faces backlash after conflicting messages about withdrawing American troops from positions in northeastern Syria—and. Frances F. However, before the apology was issued, art director Paul Spella reportedly defended the photo to Brewer saying the photo was supposed to reflect “the abstract idea of parents navigating their. Share. Saved Stories Save. Saved Stories Save. Paul Spella / The Atlantic; Alamy. C. I n 2017, I finished eight years working at the center of American national-security policy in the White House. What takes a little longer to develop are the connections between areas like the prefrontal cortex. July 27, 2020. Paul Spella / The Atlantic; Getty. October 2020 Issue. Paul Spella / The Atlantic; Getty. July 9, 2023. It was. 06:55. March 10, 2021. Getty; Paul Spella / The Atlantic. The eight-part series, hosted by senior editor Vann R. What does it mean to teach a person to surrender? (Matt Thompson) “That word, miseducation, has been in the air. Paul Spella / The Atlantic. 🇰🇷 ICONIC 스펠라 Based in Seoul, South Korea. Paul Spella / The Atlantic; Shutterstock. September 28, 2023. Share. Self-awareness and choosing laughter over differences can go a long way to help. Instead, she was laughing uproariously at a video she had found. By Marina Koren. By Arthur C. Getty / Paul Spella / The Atlantic. Earth is flat, and airplane GPS is rigged to fool pilots into thinking. Paul Spella / The Atlantic. Daily: The Republicans Who Ought to Know Better. Updated at 11:30 a. November 8, 2022. The celebrity-gossip industrial complex is about to crash into the savagery of sports media. In 1992, Pat Buchanan made a campaign stop at the San Diego–Tijuana border. That’s a guaranteed return that’s very tough to replicate any other way. One question, answered: “Long-haulers” can suffer COVID-19 symptoms for weeks, even months. Paul Spella / The Atlantic; Getty. Updated at 12:44 p. Saved Stories Save. Illustration by Paul Spella; source images: Roman Nerud / Alamy; Oleh Slobodeniuk / Getty; Bettmann / Getty Jonathan Franzen’s best book yet “ Crossroads is a rejection of Purity ’s empty. Paul Spella / The Atlantic. Shutterstock / Paul Spella / The Atlantic. Saved Stories Save. A former journalist, he has written and cowritten numerous articles and books about information literacy, journalism, and literature. By Robert O'Connell. S. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Paul’s. NYT - Op/Ed Iraq Prime Minister . It shows up in surging homelessness in states such as California that do a miserable job. Facebook gives people the power to. Share. Stop Demonizing Stock Buybacks. A staff writer at The Atlantic since 2021, Bruenig revealed—in blistering, moving prose—a string of botched executions undertaken by the Alabama Department of Corrections. bsip / universal images / getty / paul spella / the atlantic One question, answered: What is remdesivir, the new drug Trump is receiving as part of his treatment plan? Sarah Zhang, a staff writer. Graham. It was the summer of 1888, and the British. June 10, 2021. Paul has 1. T he 12th Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense operates a dozen central storage facilities for nuclear weapons. The Atlantic’s narrative podcast Floodlines has won a 2021 Peabody Award. Anti-racist teachers take black students seriously. The following year, deposits rose by another 10. The 2016 campaign season hasn’t just been exceptionally weird; it’s been exceptionally long. Still, the irregularity of. Paul Spella / The Atlantic; Getty. The list of signatories to a September 21 letter to the Office of Management and Budget is a roster of shame, including the new America Firsters in the Senate (J. Published November 21, 2022. Paul Spella. ET on October 10, 2023. Paul Spella / The Atlantic* No other major-party nominee in history has called the political forces whipped up by a sitting president of the United States enemies of America. Wu. Share. Paul Spella / The Atlantic. Paul Spella / The Atlantic. Paul Spella / The Atlantic; Getty. January 20. ET on October 10, 2023. Paul Sax is a Harvard infectious diseases specialist who likes to play poker. Our writers help you process the good and the bad. The New York Times Opinion: Frank Augugliaro, Deputy Design Director . Getty / Paul Spella / The Atlantic. By W. Astronomers are stepping up their attempts to unravel the mysteries of exoplanets. Paul Spella. September 15, 2023. . WOODSTOCK, Ill. By Devin Gordon. Hope for a Better Way The ruling against the use of race in admissions will increase barriers to educational opportunity. 0 Followers, 3,214 Following, 403 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Paul Spella (@pspella)Illustration by Paul Spella / The Atlantic. Share. Share. Read more in: Feature Magazine Feature. They’re scared of doing something that might look a little unsafe. August 27, 2020. Share. Saved Stories Save. After seven hearings held by the January 6 committee thus far this summer, doubts as to who is responsible have been. December 10, 2019. According to right-wing media figures, the January 6 sacking of the Capitol that disrupted the counting of the 2020 electoral votes was “ a false-flag operation . Saved Stories Save. One. is the U. Paul Spella / The Atlantic; Getty Stop Demonizing Stock Buybacks. Margaret Atwood in real time is very much who you would expect the author of her 17 novels, 18 books of poetry, and 11 works of. Paul Spella / The Atlantic. By Megan Garber. At age 23, he’s finally made it to the University of Toronto after years of trouble with drugs, but he’s on the cusp of. Support our most ambitious journalism. Share. Wikicommons / Imbre / Shutterstock / Paul Spella. Even by the rancorous standards of the academy, the August eruption at the American Historical Association was nasty and. Folks. After the barbaric attack launched against Israel the day before,. PAUL SPELLA / THE ATLANTIC. He was a founder of Partners in Health, which changed the way we all understood what it means to care for the world’s poor. Saved Stories. This strategy Myers recommends gives you room to pivot into a more positive story when needed, and also helps. Share. His cellmate has been identified as the alleged assailant. Illustration by Paul Spella / The Atlantic. . New York had the. Artwork by Kelly Towles. Capitol and looks ahead to 2024, arguing that the events that transpired a year ago. March 28, 2017. Updated at 6:10 p. MAGA Is Ripping Itself Apart. September 2021 Issue. 7 percent during COVID shutdowns, is now just 3. October 29, 2022. Saved Stories Save. All of a sudden, it seems like Casamigos is name-checked in every song. Share. When his 18-year-old daughter Francine first started losing weight, in the fall of 2018, Kenneth. If you’ve followed recent Democratic messaging, you’ll have heard that American. July/August 2020 Issue. Donald Trump has uttered a striking number of false claims about the coronavirus pandemic. Saved Stories. Associated Press; Popperfoto / Getty; Paul Spella / The Atlantic. AD - Julie Whitaker. Words came onto the page. 1.